Assignment 3 planning part 4

Notes on the Decisive Moment

Above is a link to a copy of my hand written notes that have have made with regard to my change in direction to this assignment.

Please see my blog entry Arrrrrrggghhhhhhhh for further details of my feelings of frustration with this assignment.

A synopsis of these notes is that I have been exteemly unhappy with my initial ideas and work so far for this assignment and have now opted to use a film camea with black & white film and to limit myself to 36 shots.

I am off to London next Saturday (30th September) an intend to use my film camera during this trip to get my Decisive Moment images. From these I will get my contact sheets and images for this assignment. Get is submitted and reflect on tutors feedback with regard to reworking it.



I am going to have to step back before I can move forward.

Deep sense of frustration and antipathy towards my photography and how it fits in with my studies.

Things are not working, and I am unable to find the decisive moments I need for Assignment 3. I feel like a rabbit who has gone down the wrong burrow. I need to retreat and explore an alternate route to get back on track.

Issues and events in my work and life are clearing giving me chance to refocus and work towards rekindling my studies in earnest.

The speed-bump of frustration!

Getting somewhat frustrated with work and in particular the weather interrupting and preventing me from being  able to get out to take my images for the “Square Mile” assignment. So I have made a  decision today to progress into the Part 1 exercises as I need to have a sense that I am achieving something and not wasting my time.

I am continuing looking for influence and inspiration online for this project and I have had some luck in finding some lovely documentary projects at the Amber Online website. I know in my head what I want to photograph it is just being able to get out and find it.

I live on what some people would consider the edge of the green belt. The Hart District has been vote the best area to live in the UK 5 years running. It is generally a well kept area and has no swathes of derelict buildings or much in the way of visible social issues (other than the occasional reports of vandalism, theft or anti-social behaviour).

I have been following local police and council incident reporting for several weeks to see if anything happening might be of interest or unusual, somewhat like Weegee listening in on the police radio transmissions. However most of the reported incidents (are for the most part viewed as an outsider) could be considered as trivial, such as; potholes, cracks in the pavement, overgrown hedges, fly tipping etc. Though I am in no way saying that the incidents are considered trivial to the people who are reporting them. Therefore I am on the lookout something different like: the distressed, the damaged, the unwanted and the out of place.