Tom Hunter

Tom Hunter’s “Brick Lane” project has a nostalgic documentary feel attempting to capture a fading way of life. His monochrome almost cyanotype treatment makes it feel older than it is. The colour certainly cools the mood of the image. Examination of the objects and detritus that litter the image show it to be modern. First impressions give the impression that this could be a garage sale or ad-hock market. But closer inspection show the objects to be damaged, broken, discarded or abandoned.

Brick Lane 1

(Tom Hunter, 1980\’s)

The graffiti only enhances the feeling of abandonment. The old man walking through could have probably walked this route all his life. Slowly watching it decay and deteriorate as time goes by. Those who experience change over a long period to time are less likely to be shocked or surprised than those who experience the results of of this long term change for the first time. It is my impression that the old saying “Familiarity breeds contempt” rings true here.


Brick Lane (1980\’s) Available at:  (Accessed: 17 July 2016).



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